
learning. remembering. all those negative stuff. and throw them away!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

9/11 loose change.

here is the video explaining the 9/11
at around ten minutes in the video, it start explaining the pentagon thingy,
where a boeing 747 jumbo jet crashing into pentagon. LOL
you would laugh also if u see the video

entire video is quite lengthy though. because it has to be precise
in explaining the lies of 9/11.

Friday, July 11, 2008


something to expect!
since year 2000, we witnessed alot of the unexpected

blockbuster no.1
Sars > national effort to curb the virus. well as students
we loved the extra holidays dun we?

blockbuster no.2
9/11 > this gave the US a "real" reason to invade IRAQ,
i hope any people reading this post knows that 9/11 IS A CONSPIRACY.
enough evidence is on the net. Google is your best friend.

blockbuster no.3
Tsunami > this super rare natural phenomenon. Simply amazing.

blockbuster no.4
IRAQ war (personal favorite) > not as in im obssessed with the killings
and stuff but is the amazing fact that US is able to fake their allies
in supporting them to go war. also they can defy United Nation's decision.
i empathize with those US soldier who sacrificed themselves for NOTHING.
i envied those US pilots though.

now the big one is. what is the next installment?
world economy collapse? or IRAN war?
it better dun be the first option and hope that the economy roars ahead
next year, cause i will joining the work force!
erm. we are very likely to see a IRAN war though. but it might not be
the war-crazy US led by bush. but the mighty ISRAEL.
we shall see.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


i will be listing down any recent/upcoming goodies available via my ext hdd.

Future Weapons from discovery channel! [Season 3]

L the movie.