
learning. remembering. all those negative stuff. and throw them away!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

reaching critical mass

i dunno whether its coincidence or what,
but i have seen more and more maserati etc.
i wonder if its true that there are more and more millionaires
emerging from Singapore. i find that the newspaper report is abit flawed
its true that many singaporean are asset rich, HDB rise in value
but its of no use, unless they sell and downgrade to smaller or move to less value area
otherwise, these household are merely asset rich.

only those that already have private housing can profit from the property boom,
well thats the reason for the sky rocketing prices, fueled by the rich/atas people.

that being said, is the main reason for this post.
its very important to reach a critical mass. in terms of $$$
a.k.a the rich get richer.
this is where u get out of the hamster wheel, and let the $$$ run the wheel.
the holy grail situation.

its almost insulting sometimes.
its hard for the poor to get rich
its hard for the rich to get poor* (of cause with prudent planning and money management)
after reaching certain critical amount of $$$, achieving high passive income is easy.

excellent example, the rich can take advantage of macro econ situation.
taking a ride up when the property price in Singapore boom.

*poor people love crisis situation while rich people fear them
crisis is like a escalator for poor people
crisis is like a double edge sword for rich people


this is a story i learn from the Never Work Again Seminar.
story about helping starfish.

the rough outline of this story is about 2 people strolling along beach
found thousands and thousands of starfish being washed up
one of them being a pessimist only heave a heavy sigh,
feeling powerless and pity the loss of those starfish.
the other person, began picking up individual starfish
and throwing them back to the sea, where they belong.

"hey, its futile effort, you cant change their fate there are too many of them"
he didnt even try to save even 1, his belief that his action are worthless
lead to his action, accepting the tragedy and grief.

in the meanwhile, he could hear his friend's words

"well i just saved this one, and this one, and this one"

* this story is very simple and powerful, at least to me.
its so illustrative and meaningful.

Friday, May 28, 2010

how to get busy..

after exam, i have around 4 months before all the shit starts again. the thought of re-taking modules really demoralize me. guess i need to use other method of revising and studying.  surviving UOL/LSE not easy.. interesting point is on the last paper, before the exam start while i was outside of the hall, a red bull promoter offered me a Red Bull! i must say its effective at least psychologically. gave me wings!.

so how to get busy during this period. i come up with a before and after plan! i started the plan yesterday. my schedule will be swimming 2 times/wk, running 3times/wk and abs workout 3 times/wk. hoping to trim my weight down from 61.5 to 55. i think it will be cool next time when u are 30 or 40 and see ur prime body figure. during army, mostly is running so maybe only slimmer only. now aimming for defined shape.

well almost half of 2010 gone. spending almost 1/2 or 1/4 of time at home. really "zai nan" and got to be the most monotonous period of my life. the pessimistic side of me keep attacking me, wondering why or is it worth it to get a degree at all. of cause the expectations of others and myself weigh down so heavily on the shoulders. this is a great example of the explanation of why suicide is explained as structurally constructed by durkheim.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

up in the air

its good. recommended.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

my ancestral root

im proud to say that my ancestral root starts from china!
我是客家人。 从高明贝村。
i really like the name 高明贝村.

its a pity that i have limited ability in speaking hakka
BUT i can listen and speak most of the time!

Saturday, February 06, 2010


i thought it will be good to record down what was ideal to me
in my current situation. 22yo still studying. etc.
anyway this is just my own personal ideal thoughts.
purely for future references when im 30, 40 or 50yo.

my ideal list.

  • compiled my bucket list and started on it by 30 or 40
  • achieve means of accomplishing all of the above
  • settle down. family and kids before 30 or maybe 35 haha
  • teach my kids carefully. 
  • grant my mum's wish of driving an Audi
  • do not wish to slog for a living, a normal job would suffice
  • hate corporate climbing, corporate politics blah blah
  • decor my future home like show room type
  • BMW or audi
  • best will be return to where i lived before since young
  • house with a good scenery
  • enjoy family life everyday with wife n kids *most important of all. 
just my current ideal expectation. might change exogenously or endogenously. 
purely for my future reference. 
because i find it interesting when i looked at the post i made a few years back
the difference in thinking and writing style amaze myself. haha
well lets see how amazed will i be in the years to come. 

Thursday, February 04, 2010

First concert!

yea!. 030210 my first concert day. quite nice the number huh.
went to Big Night Out @ sg indoor stadium.
it was a nearly sold out concert. only the seated area got some seats unoccupied
the floor area was flooded. haha if u lucky can squeeze and have fun
with those ang moh!!! alot of model-like ones. :)

well first two band played and lasted 2.5hours.
crowd is slowly building up. the first 2 performance was acceptable only.
partly is because i never hear them before. lolx biase
when it was MUSE preparing their stage. all the crowd is almost ready to rock.
it was around ten min that the crowd is guessing when they coming out.
so when the lights goes out, the crowd went berserk. serious.

MUSE played their new album song and those nostalgic ones.
damn. they are good. almost like cd album quality.
accompanied by the crowd's crazy energy. haha
all singing the lyrics. NICE!
too bad the ones around my seat no ang moh or local broc. hhaha
if not can see them go wild! lolx

a few interesting thing.
a TV camera thingy will search the crowd for funny stuff and project on screen.
then picked out one cardboard with words on it.
"Fuck me Bellamy" LOL bellamy is the lead singer.

and of all the crowd a few thousand of us.
only 1. YES 1 happen to have and waving the MUSE heart shaped light.
dunno where he/she bought it. haha the projector picked that out. was really funny
if they sell it @ indoor stadium i guess will have more.
all their shirts selling @ $40 SOLD OUT. jackets @ $80. posters etc.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


hmm. we have solution to our global problem already.
drinking water and electricity.
currently we are using old or traditional methods of obtaining the above resources
but some countries are in midst of switching to earth friendly methods
only prevailant in rich developed countries.
poor countries with lots lots of people are still relying on old methods.
burning of coal, especially in china
depending of groundwater in india

i used to believe human is doom as the consumption is insatiable.
but hope arise as we invent new technologies.
in US, a company manage to make cheap solar film.
much like aluminium foil, can form any shape and still converts electricity.
roof top is not the only place to capture sunlight.
side wall of a skyscraper? unlimited potential. importantly cost alot less.
another company create a amazing thing.
the product can capture the moisture in the air into water.
*drop jaw. wouldnt this solve the problem of shortage of water?
its drinkable water. we know drinking pure h20 is unhealthy in long run
but it could be used for agriculture or put in reservoirs!
problems of desertification could be solved too. its just wonderful.

there are technologies available to solve the shortages of resources,
solve the reliant on burning fossil fuel. solve global warming?
however as usual the human instinct kicks in.
which inventor will gracefully give up potential wealth for the goodwill of human?
will he/she give up a life to be like bill gates or a billionaire life?
thus this technologies aint cheap. not available to poor countries.